Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Tribute To The LPers -- And LPs -- That I Love

I know we all have our favorite Youtube channels and LPs and LPers. People that convince us, "Hell yes, I NEED that game!" And inspire us to voice our own opinions and critique about said game. So today I decided to share some of my favorites with you as a sort of tribute to them (see title). This post will probably be updated as I find more awesome LPers scattered across the realm of the Youtubedom. Hopefully, you guys will love them, too.

Okay, so probably my number one favorite Youtube Let's Player is Zack Scott of the ZackScottGames channel, and my favorite Let's Play that he does is the Animal Crossing: New Leaf Let's Play, featuring the town of the Astoria and much apparent hatred for koala bears that wear sunglasses. The reason this particular LP is my favorite is because I love ACNL, despite the fact that it irritates me to no end because of the fact that a lot of the maps suck (or at least the ones I've chosen have) and there simply is not enough room to place all of the Public Works Projects and because this is the first ACNL Let's Play I ever watched on Youtube.
Thanks, Zack Scott, for convincing me to go out and purchase my very first Animal Crossing video game! ^_^

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