Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pokemon X Team

Current Team: 

Pokemon Trainer Rika


Nickname: Renee

Type: Fire/Psychic

Sex: Female

Level: 22

Attacks: - Flame Charge
- Ember
- Fire Spin
- Psybeam

Reasoning: There really wasn't any reason why I picked Fennekin. Or, at least, not a good one, I admit. Fennekin has been my favorite of the Kalos region starters since day one, though I did waiver a bit when I found out about Delphox. That was mostly because I, personally, saw a very strong resemblance to Renamon and her Digivolutions in Digimon Tamers (AKA Digimon Season Three).
I didn't like Chespin -- or at least its evolutions -- because it wasn't appealing to me as far as appearance goes and honestly, like a lot of other players I did not like its typing or stats at all.
I decided not go with Froakie because, first of all, everyone has Froakie. People just seem to love it and I'm just meh about it as a starter. I did, however, try playing with Froakie as my starter in a previous save and it was cute at first, but then once it evolved, I hated it. I thought its evolutions were, honestly, terrifying. They reminded me of some mutated, demonic version of Kermit frog, especially in Pokemon-Amie and I freaking hated it. I did not want to play the game with that as my starter.
So I stopped playing for a while.
I also think Fennekin and its evolutions has fairly decent stats, granted not as good as Froakie's, but I think once I Super Train it a bit, it will be extremely powerful. I look forward to doing battle, both in-game and competitively, with Renee.


Nickname: Jett

Type: Flying/Normal

Sex: Male

Level: 22

Attacks: -Twister
-Quick Attack
-Sand Attack

Reasoning: I chose Pidgey to my Flying type in the game because I have a soft for Pidgey and it's evolutions, and I honestly was not interested in the other Flying types. Talonflame seems like it'd be cool to have, I didn't another Fire type, so it got boxed and again, I just really like Pidgey.
It's sort of a tradition. I started playing the Pokemon video games when I was about 12 and my first game was Pokemon Silver. I got it because the Burger King where I lived was having a drawing and was giving them away as a prize, and my grandfather went down and spent the whole day there til he won a copy for me and my brother. It was the only Pokemon videogame I owned for a very long time because we didn't have the money to spend on them and Pidgey was one of the first Pokemon I caught when I played it and it just grew on me.
So I guess it's safe to say, that stats aside, I think Pidgey is freaking awesome.


Nickname: Flaay

Type: Fairy

Sex: Female

Level: 22

Attacks: -Tackle
-Fairy Wind
-Razor Leaf

Reasoning: I wanted Flabebe in my party because, unlike a lot of players that I know, I am a fan of the Fairy types and, honestly, I would be surprised if I didn't run into some Dragon Types on my way to the Pokemon League or elsewhere, for that matter.
I had Swirlix as my Fairy type the very first time I played Pokemon X and I always felt really bad because according to Dexio and Sina, Flabebe is the Fairy type to get. I had opted to go with Swirlix, though, because all Flabebe really seemed to learn was Grass type moves.
This time around, though, I decided to look at it from a different point of view. Flabebe could learn Grass moves and Fairy types, which in my mind meant it had the potential to be very badass -- plus, I wouldn't need to capture a Grass type. Two birds, one stone.


Nickname: Claymore

Type: Steel/Ghost

Sex: Female

Level: 22

Attacks: -Tackle
-Swords Dance
-Shadow Sneak
-Aerial Ace

Reasoning: First of all, it's an Excalibur reference, so if that's not awesome, I don't know what is.
Second, it's stats are awesome and it is literally one of the only good Metal types available in Kalos.


Nickname: Taichi

Type: Rock/Dragon

Sex: Male

Level: 20

Attacks: -Tackle
-Stealth Rock

Reasoning: Not gonna lie, Tyrunt was not totally part of my original Pokemon X dream-team. Then I booted up the game the other day and realized NONE of my Pokemon could learn the HM Strength.
I Googled it and it turns out, there aren't that many Generation 6 Pokemon that can learn that move and aside from Pidgeotto, I'm trying to keep my team pretty Gen. 6 exclusive this time around. After thinking it over and discussing strategies with my husband, I decided that my best bet would be to remove Furfrou from my party and replace him with my Tyrunt who could learn the move. It makes me really sad that I had to remove Furfrou from my party because I had become really attached to her, but I know that overall Tyrunt is going to contribute more to my party when it comes to battle.

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