Sunday, February 9, 2014

Series To Look Into


Usually, I like to wait until after a series is finished, so I can buy the graphic novels in order to save money, but lately there have a couple comic book series that have come out that I just couldn't say no to buying immediately. You can see two of them in the picture above, and I apologize for the poor lighting. It's not easy when your only camera comes in the form of your 3DS >.<
The first series, though, isn't shown in the pic. That series is The Amazing X-Men: Return Of Nightcrawler (#1-5). That series actually came out a few months ago, but because of the stores I frequent, I actually didn't stumble upon until early January and I haven't finished collecting it just yet. I still need issues #4-5 both of which were out of stock last time I went to the comic book store. So chances are I'm going to have obtain them online and, hopefully, not for ridiculously more than what they're worth.
Anyway, the main reason this series is worth following is because it is the return of Nightcrawler, who perished from the Marvelverse a few years ago when he was stabbed through the chest by a freaking Sentinel. Personally, I've been a fan of Nightcrawler ever since I first learned of his existence in the early 2000 cartoon show X-Men: Evolution. I mean, yeah, that show deviated a lot from his actual character into the comics, which I've also come to love, but it was still an awesome character with a cool backstory and kick-ass fighting abilities and mutant powers. So I've been following him in the comics ever since and was actually pretty devastated when I found out Marvel had killed him off. I mean, if nothing else, Nightcrawler was a HUGE fan favorite, so who didn't see that one coming?
They never kill off fan favorites! Well, almost never....
But if you guys are big Nightcrawler fans like I am, then you should definitely give this series a look. It's funny, exciting, and full of action. It also features the return of another famed fan favorite that those of you who grew up with the 80s Marvel cartoons will be happy to see.
Another series I've taken a liking to and think is worth following is the Infinity: Heist series. It tells the story of a lowly villain turned....Well, into something else. I won't say what for the sake of avoiding spoilers.
It is definitely a good read, though, and I really like that it's told from the point-of-view of Marvel villains rather than heroes. This is the first series I've encountered with that perspective, though I know there are others that exist. I just haven't been able to find them yet.
The third series I decided to follow and think you guys would like is the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) series from Kevin Eastman, which I will actually be following in graphic novel format. I posted a review of it yesterday and you can read it here Nerdy MJ Reviews Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1.
Finally, the last series I decided to follow (for now -- there will be more in upcoming weeks) is the new Inhumanity series. I'm not gonna lie. When I first heard about this series, I had no interest in it whatsoever.
The Inhumans had never really been something I was interested in and because they seemed to be more fantasy-ish rather than scifi. Honestly, when it comes to fantasy, there isn't really much I like. I'm not even a huge Thor fan, but then I decided to give Inhumanity the benefit of the doubt and pick up a copy.
I was glad I did. Even though everything that's happened to lead up to the series is a bit hard to follow, it still turned out to be a great read and I'm definitely looking forward to picking up a copy of the next issue. I don't know if I'll subscribe to it, but this is definitely something I'm going to enjoy if only to kill the time.
These are the series I've decided to follow in the past few weeks, and I think you guys should give them a try, too. That's it for now and I'll post more on this subject later.  

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