Thursday, February 6, 2014

The First Game

Most people will probably own a few hundred video games -- for console, PC, and otherwise -- if they are lucky. But, usually, there is going to be one game that will stand out more than all the others. One game that will always hold a special place in a gamers' heart, forever and eternity.
That is the first game you ever buy. The game that started you on the path of a gamer. That you hand-picked yourself from behind a shining glass case and spent weeks trying to beat afterwards because we're pretending that everyone has hand-eye coordination as bad as mine right now.
For me, the very first game I ever owned was Glover for N64 system.

Not gonna lie, I never finished playing it and that is something I truly regret. The truth is, though, I was eight years old and absolutely terrified of the game's main villain, Cross-Stitch. I mean, I had played other games with my friends and family, but the villains in those games -- Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario Bros. -- were bright, colorful, familiar cartoon characters that I used to watch on Saturday mornings. Cross-Stitch was none of those things and, in short, he scared the crap out of me. That made me really hesitant when it came to playing this game, so I mostly just sat and watched my mother and brother play the game instead.
I also wasn't very good at video games as a child. In fact, I was terrible at them. That probably stemmed from the fact that for an embarrassingly long time, I believed that if the characters died in the game, then they would die in real life as well and I am prone to anxiety attacks. Plus, again, my hand-eye coordination is not the greatest. So when it came to video games, I was the last one to be picked or allowed to play in my family. I didn't get a chance to play most of time until my mother and brother had already gotten bored or frustrated with the game and decided to call it quits for the day.
Again, I mostly just sat and watched, which is probably where my love of let's plays came from.
The other reason, I didn't finish this game was because when money started to run out in my family, video games and toys were among the first things to go. I still remember the day my mom boxed up most of our N64 games and movies and took them to the pawn shop. I was beyond upset. We couldn't have had more than ten games, at most, maybe fewer and I was really looking forward to eventually finishing Glover. I mean, yeah, Cross-Stitch terrified me, but I still loved Glover. He was awesome -- he turned an ordinary rubber ball into a weapon. What isn't cool about that?
I decided to write this post for Throwback Thursday. Hopefully, you guys know me a little bit better now.Maybe one of you guys loved Glover just as much as I did when I was a kid or maybe not. Either way, feel free to tell me about the first game you ever owned was in the comments below and your experience with it. I'm looking forward to it.

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