Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Why Are People Criticizing J.K. Rowling?

Last week an article was released about an interview J.K. Rowling did with Emma Watson. In the article, it was revealed that Rowling felt uncertain about the RonxHermione coupling she created in the books and felt that Ron and Hermione would likely need couples' consoling. Then she said she felt like Hermione was probably better suited for Harry. Ever since, Potter fans all over the internet have been completely flipping their shit.
I mean, seriously, I don't agree with the idea of Hermione marrying Harry, but I never agreed with the idea of her marrying Ron, either. Honestly, I always kind of saw her getting Neville since her and Harry were too close, she fought with Ron too much, and Neville seemed like the only secondary character mentioned that wasn't a total douchebag or a complete idiot. Although, admittedly, it seemed like Malfoy and Snape rounded out a bit....Sort of.
That aside, I know extremely well insane dedicated fangirls and fanboys can be, but I also know how loyal they can be, too. So I'm actually really shocked that so many people are judging Rowling because of her opinion about the characters she created over something as petty as a freaking fanpairing -- oh, I'm sorry -- shipping. I find it especially shocking that people accuse her of trying to "remain relevant" now that Harry Potter is over and done with.
Yeah, because she probably called the magazine up and asked them to do interview herself. *Insert sarcasm*. She is J.K. Freaking Rowling. She invented Harry Potter and kick-started the fantasy genre hype again. A Lord Of The Rings movie would have happened eventually -- hell, there's probably a less famous one floating around that only super fans know about -- but do you really think it's a coincidence that movie came out the same year as Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone?
It's called marketing, people.
So, again, while I don't agree with Rowling's opinion at all, I think it is incredibly ridiculous that people who claim to be fans of her work are reacting to this with such hostility. I'm startled to see how quickly and easily dedicated fans can change or forfeit their alliance to a writer as brilliant as Rowling over something as small as shipping or fanpairing or whatever. Apparently, though, the fact that she wrote the childhoods of an entire generation of people who for years and years loved work doesn't matter now that she suddenly has an opinion about her work. That makes me sad.
That makes me so sad. It makes me feel like the fandom has abandoned her to a degree, and that's horrible, especially considering it's over such a little thing. I still think Rowling is an amazing writer, though, and I respect her opinion on the whole pairing situation. I don't agree with her and I'm definitely not saying she was right, but I don't really care that her opinion differs from mine because she wrote the series. Let her think what she wants.
That's my opinion on my subject.

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